In Eastern Samar

TACLOBAN CITY—About five former rebels under the care of the 52nd Infantry Battalion (52IB) received cash assistance through the Department of Social Welfare and Development’s (DSWD) Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situations (AICS) program.

The cash aid was personally handed to the former rebels at the 52IB camp in Jipapad town, Eastern Samar. The assistance is intended to help them as they transition back into mainstream society.

“This initiative is part of the government’s broader effort to support former rebels through livelihood, education, and social integration programs,” said Lieutenant Colonel Arnold Verania, 52IB commander.

“The financial aid provided by the DSWD is a key component of the government’s efforts to show that those who choose the path of peace will not be left behind. Together with other reintegration programs, we aim to give our former rebels a second chance at a better life,” he added.

In addition to financial assistance, the former rebels received food, shelter, and medical support. They are also undergoing capacity-building programs, psycho-social services, and community reintegration initiatives.

The beneficiaries expressed their gratitude to the DSWD and 52IB, sharing their hopes for a brighter and more peaceful future for themselves and their families.

This initiative is part of the government’s Enhanced Comprehensive Local Integration Program (E-CLIP), which provides a holistic approach to helping former rebels reintegrate into society.