Many of us have, at some point in our lives, contemplated becoming entrepreneurs. What a good inclination! But sadly, only a few of us are patient enough to sit down first and study the pros and cons of engaging in business, thus resulting in our limited grasp of entrepreneurship.
These blurry notions about business enterprise show when we get confronted with vital questions regarding entrepreneurship. We can’t even be sure of our answers. In my case, for instance, I can only express limited concepts without certainty on whether I’m giving the right answers or not.
As to the question of whether one should start from scratch for one to be called an entrepreneur, I can say on one hand that, yes, one should start his business from scratch so that he can monitor how it progresses over time. But I also don’t think so, because the best way to start a business is to have sufficient capital first since being an entrepreneur means having the capacity to start and run a business.
What if one simply buys a business venture, or inherits it from parents, can that person be considered an entrepreneur? Well, I figure that a person who merely inherits a business is not a real entrepreneur. But I also have the feeling that to be an entrepreneur means being into business, whether the latter is pioneered or simply inherited.
Should someone hire workers or employees for him to be called an entrepreneur? My layman’s grasp is that entrepreneurship is more about investing in the business, even if no workers get hired. But I’m also of the opinion that one cannot attend to his business alone; he needs workers to help him with the nitty-gritty of the business.
How about if one simply delegates the management of his business to someone else, is he an entrepreneur? My guess is that, yes, an entrepreneur or investor may not run his business himself. But it’s not ideal entrepreneurship if he simply assigns somebody to run and operate his business.
What about engaging in a franchise business, is it entrepreneurship? For me, franchising is not entrepreneurship in the real sense of the word. That’s parasitism. You just rely on a fully established business and allow yourself to be instrumental in its branching out operations. There is no originality in it, seemingly.
So, is entrepreneurship determined by what one does or think in a business company? I think entrepreneurship does not depend on what one thinks; it depends on what one does. Even if one thinks he is doing an entrepreneurial exercise, if he does not put it into action, he will not qualify as an entrepreneur.
Can someone, who owns no business enterprise, be called an entrepreneur? That’s foolishness to think of. How can one be called an entrepreneur when he owns no business at all? Well, ask no more questions about this topic. My ignorance of it is just showing further, spreading far and wide.