To be exact President Rodrigo Roa Duterte has barely about 2 years and 3 months in office to end his 6-year term as duly elected President of the Republic of the Philippines.
He has done something good for the country but not much to satisfy the desires of the Filipnos, based on his promises. The ugly illegal drug menace still is a daily occurrence nationwide and graft and corruption remains a way of life to powerful and influential government officials.
Worse, drug lords are still around and still undrtgoing their unlawful drug operations while corrupt high government officials remain in office.
One of the most painful incidents under this administration is extra judicial killings that remain a black and bloody image of the administration. Government records was revealed few months ago saying that some 14,000 innocent individuals lost their lives in the campaign against illegal drugs. Human rights records even reported more than what government revealed.
What is worse that up to now is no cases have been filed against the perpetrators of the extrajudicial killings. Suspects in this nauseating crime are mostly members of the Philippine National Police. So many families of the victims up to this moment remain sad, frustrated and angry because real justice has evaded them.
No one has been charged of the extrajudicial killings. It is therefore a MUST for President Duterte to revisit these crimes and invoke real justice to put the criminals behind bars. And government should give financial assistance especially to families whose heads are some of those who got killed.
President Duterte should do this now before Senator Antonio Trillanes makes his move regarding this, as he promised he will. When? We know not!!!