Poverty incidence among families in Eastern Visayas in the first semester of 2023 was estimated at 26.1 percent. This implies that in the first semester of 2023, about 1 in every 4 families in the region was poor or have income that were below the poverty threshold, or the amount needed to buy their basic food and non-food needs.

In the first semester of 2023, poverty incidence among families in Samar was estimated at 35.8 percent; Eastern Samar at 35.6 percent; Northern Samar at 27.5 percent; Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) at 23.8 percent; Southern Leyte at 16.6 percent; and Biliran at 13.2 percent.

Significant improvements in poverty situation among families between the first semester of 2021 and first semester of 2023 were noted in Biliran, Leyte (excluding Tacloban City), and Southern Leyte. Poverty incidence among families in Biliran dropped to 13.2 percent in the first semester of 2023 from 22.4 percent in the first semester of 2021.

The province of Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) registered a 23.8 percent poverty incidence among families in the first semester of 2023, lower than the 31.3 percent in the first semester of 2021. Poverty incidence among families in Southern Leyte decreased to 16.6 percent in the first semester of 2023 from 25.5 percent in the same semester of 2021.
Given the new master sample, PSA was able to generate reliable statistics down to the provincial level as well as for highly urbanized cities (HUCs).

Poverty incidence among families for Tacloban City, the lone HUC in the region, was recorded at 13.2 percent in the first semester of 2023.

Around 34 out of 100 individuals in Eastern Visayas are poor.

Poverty incidence among population in Eastern Visayas in the first semester of 2023 was estimated at 33.7 percent. This implies that in the first semester of 2023, around 34 in every 100 individuals in the region belong to the poor population whose per capita income was not sufficient to buy their minimum basic food and non-food needs.

In the first semester of 2023, poverty incidence among population in Eastern Samar was estimated at 44.9 percent; Samar at 43.5 percent; Northern Samar at
36.2 percent; Leyte (excluding Tacloban City) at 31.3 percent; Southern Leyte at
23.8 percent; and Biliran at 19.7 percent.

Poverty incidence among population in Biliran dropped to 19.7 percent in the first semester of 2023 from 30.7 percent in the first semester of 2021. The province of Leyte (excluding Tacloban City), registered 31.3 percent poverty incidence among population in the first semester of 2023, lower than the 39.1 percent in the first semester of 2021.

Poverty incidence among population in Southern Leyte decreased to 23.8 percent in the first semester of 2023 from 31.7 percent in the same semester of 2021.

Poverty incidence among population in Tacloban City in the first semester of 2023 was recorded at 19.2 percent. (PR)