(Part one of a three-part series of articles)

What can we see in the new Roadmap for Teacher Education 2024-2033 as painstakingly wrote by the DepEd? Personally, it forwards a hopeful view that the department is seriously looking into the conditions and realities of teachers, given its wide array of tasks and responsibilities. In the very Introduction under the segment Understanding the Roadmap it recognizes that the roadmap is primarily centered on enhancing teacher and school leader quality. The recognition that human resource or human capital is the center of all the efforts in the roadmap is undeniably the best feature of the plan. That to me is a signal that good things are coming.

As the nation’s educational condition are put in the microscope due to the seemingly downslides of the metrics the same is subjected from, the DepEd is doing its job and addressing this harsh reality.

This writer attended the National Consultative Assembly on the Roadmap for Teacher Education 2024-2033 as convened by the Teacher Education Council as chaired by Vice President and Secretary Sarah Duterte and facilitated by Director Runvi Manrague and Jonas George.

Ranvi Manrague and Jonas George are officials of the Department of Education (DepEd) in the Philippines. Ranvi Manrague is the Director of the Bureau of Learning Resources, which is responsible for developing and producing quality, relevant, accessible, and cost-effective learning resources for basic education. Jonas George is the Director of the Private Education Office, which is responsible for providing policy direction and guidance to private schools and non-DepEd schools in the country. They are both part of the Curriculum and Teaching strand of DepEd, which is headed by Undersecretary Gina O. Gonong.
Attended by a hundred academics it was really a rare occasion wherein ideas flow freely and was met without prejudice nor frown. Ideas were celebrated and was even agreed on when it was agreeable.

The Roadmap for Teacher Education 2024-2033 of DepEd (as seen in the DepEd Website) is a comprehensive plan to improve the quality and relevance of teacher education in the Philippines. It is aligned with the Basic Education Development Plan 2030 (BEDP 2030), which is the strategic roadmap for basic education in the country1. The Roadmap for Teacher Education 2024-2033 aims to achieve the following objectives:

• To develop and implement a competency-based teacher education curriculum that is responsive to the needs and challenges of the 21st century learners and the changing education landscape.
• To strengthen the quality assurance mechanisms for teacher education institutions and programs, including accreditation, licensure, and certification.
• To enhance the professional development and welfare of teachers and school leaders, including their recruitment, deployment, performance management, and career progression.
• To foster a culture of research and innovation in teacher education, as well as collaboration and partnership among stakeholders.
This early its my prayer that this plan will be heeded and followed.