TACLOBAN CITY–The Bureau of Fire Protection ended on Friday (May 10) its three-day regional sports fest participated by all of its offices in the region.

Deputy City Fire Marshal SPO4 Noel V. Permejo mentioned that the sports event allowed them to enjoy, as well as to improve their physique and develop their camaraderie and sportsmanship resulting in good teamwork inside and outside of their office.

Their activities for their sportsfest and future events focus on educational games and seminars to prevent loss of life and damage of properties in the event of a fire accident.
Despite their busy months ahead, SPO4 Permejo maintains that they will continue the current initiative on hose mapping areas that the fire truck cannot reach, including those areas that have small roads.

“Let us all be responsible with what we do inside our homes because fires usually start there. Let’s be careful and be knowledgeable about fire safety,” Permejo said.

“The community and BFP need to work together so we can prevent fires within the neighborhood,” he added.