The recent presence of the China Coast Guard just 93 nautical miles from the coast of Zambales is an open and brazen affront to Philippine sovereignty. Under UNCLOS, there is no question that the Philippines has a right to its 200-nautical-mile EEZ; indeed, it is its own. China’s incursion is illegal, disturbingly so—an attempt to undermine international law and set aside the territorial integrity of a sovereign nation.
This deliberate encroachment on Philippine waters is an act of intimidation. China is not just trespassing; it is, in effect, aggressively asserting dominance in a space that belongs solely to the Filipino people. The waters off Zambales are a major source of livelihood for our fishermen and are strategically and economically valuable. Such presence threatens to deprive the nation of its inalienable right to sustainably manage and benefit from these resources, a right afforded under international law.
From the illegal construction of artificial islands to the harassment of Filipino vessels, China has repeatedly tried to impair Philippine sovereignty. These actions run against the 2016 ruling of the Permanent Court of Arbitration, which categorically rejected China’s so-called “nine-dash line” claim. But China has shown by its consistent acts of defiance that it is not concerned about international law and the dignity of countries it wishes to browbeat.
The audacity of the Chinese Communist government to press its maritime agenda right up to the shores of the Philippines should awaken a high level of imperial arrogance. This is in line with its long-term behavior of laying claim to the West Philippine Sea and threatening the fabric of peace and stability in the region. The Philippines should never allow itself to be bullied into submission. Silence or complacency on these incursions will only embolden China further and would set a bad precedent for other nations in the region.
We must step up maritime defenses, strengthen alliances with like-minded nations, and assert our rights vigorously on the global stage. Diplomatic protests should be unrelenting, and international attention should be drawn to these violations to expose China’s aggressive tactics. More importantly, the government must prioritize the welfare and protection of Filipino fishermen who, along with their vessels, are the frontline victims of this maritime invasion. Sovereignty is not negotiable, and the time for action is now.