Serving without strings attached
THAT’S how we should serve. Without conditions, without saying enough, without feeling entitled, without strings attached. With such attitude toward serving, we channel the very way Christ served us and continues to do so...
Rid of peace
While the desire for peace is universally shared, achieving lasting tranquility has proven challenging. Several reasons can be attributed to this ongoing struggle, including geopolitical conflicts, ideological differences, and socioeconomic disparities. The increasing power...
No man is an island
Our reliance on other people is something inevitable. This interdependence refers to the mutual reliance, support, and cooperation between individuals that lead to positive interactions and outcomes. The various instances where interdependence manifests itself...
So annoying are politicians who never experienced the storm surge wrought by supertyphoon yolanda would have the temerity to come out in the limelight and hug top stories of mainstream media praising the victims’...
Effective vigilance only when we are with God
THAT gospel parable about the 10 virgins (cfr. Mt 25,1-13) obviously reminds us of our serious duty to be vigilant at all times because God can call us anytime and we should be ready...
Prescription for Phil. Agriculture problem
Arguably, the what could be the primary problem of the Philippine agriculture is the fragmentation of its land resource. This single problem over-shadows the issue on the budget rope length or illegal entry of...