Power familial
Since the ratification of the 1987 Constitution, Congress has yet to enact an enabling law prohibiting political dynasties. The utter failure to pass such legislation is due to the lack of interest of legislators...
How to know Christ’s voice
IN the gospel, there is an episode where Christ told some unbelieving Jews the reason they could not know who Christ really was. “How long are you going to keep us in suspense?” they...
NFRDI pushes aquashading tech for tilapia culture
A new high production technology for Tilapia culture is being introduced to increase harvest. The technology, being pilot-tested is called Aquashading. The technology was developed by the fishery researchers of Central Luzon State University...
Avoiding AI takeover in education
It would be unwise to disregard the signs of the times, it would be disastrous not to prepare for the same.
When Nokia was on the top of Cellular Phone business in the late 90s...
Retrieving oral lore
The rich cultural heritage of a civilization is best represented by its oral lore and literature. These timeless stories, poems, and songs passed down from generation to generation encapsulate the essence of a civilization...
Downside of online products
The increasing popularity of online shopping has undoubtedly transformed the way people buy and receive products but with the convenience and efficiency of ordering items online, however, comes with a downside - the packaging...