Native toys
In my last column, I mentioned that there is a need to reintroduce indigenous toys and games as alternatives to gadgets. The aim is to introduce these to our young people and thus save...
Love month
Considered by most of the world as a love month, the month of February is once again hovering in the air, sweetening the corners with whispers of love and devotion against the backdrop of...
Globe and partners commission Japanese firm NTT WE Marine for last leg of $150-M...
Leading digital solutions platform Globe, together with Eastern Communications and Japan-affiliated telco InfiniVAN Inc, has commissioned NTT World Engineering Marine Corp. (NTT WE Marine) of Japan for the last leg of the $150-million Philippine...
Coco Juice Blended with Fruits and Veggies Comercialization
One consumer product from the “Tree of Life” called coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is in the pipeline for commercialization. The proposed product is coco juice blended with tropical fruits and vegetables which could be...
Be amazed and avoid over-familiarity
“A PROPHET is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house.” (Mk 6,4) Famous words of Christ that tell us that we should be...
Alternatives to gadgets
Before the advent of computer technology, children and young people were into beneficial games that developed their physical strength, social well-being, and mental alertness, not to mention the economical side of those games. But...