A heavy expectation
It’s a unique and often heartbreaking paradox playing out within many families, particularly those originating from impoverished backgrounds. The narrative frequently unfolds this way: a clan member, through sheer grit and determination, manages to...
Environmental issues must dominate Schools PresCon
As the torrential rains fell on an extended 3 week straight downpour, I am certain that Pulmonary maladies will be on a rise. A thought on the sickness and environmental problems came across my...
Living our baptism into Christ
IF we wonder why Christ had to be baptized by St. John the Baptist, the quick answer is that Christ wanted to institute the Sacrament of Baptism through which we would be recreated from...
The soft skills edge: Why they matter more than ever in business education
While technical skills are crucial in today’s tech-driven world, soft skills are increasingly becoming the differentiator for success in the evolving business landscape. These skills, often referred to as “people skills,” are essential for...
Getting closer
The continued incursion of Chinese vessels into Philippine waters is a slap in the face of the nation’s sovereignty and a clear violation of international law. More recent reports of Chinese ships hovering near...