Archbishop Du: Fallen 44 point to peace
(Following is a reprint of article published on cbcpnews website @ . This writer envisions this to serve as another viewpoint among faithfuls in contemplating over the sad fate of the 44 members...
“All -out war…?”
The reaction of our people relative to the massacre of our PNP special action forces in Maguindanao is understandable, a normal reaction of “all out war” against those identified we call break-away groups of...
People are boggled with so many questions that could hardly find apt answers. The various incidents that hit our lives, our communities and our nation had brought more questions than answers that we had...
“Break-away” as a strategy?”
Flashback: If memory serves right for this senior citizen columnist, the Muslim issue or at times called the Moro problem has been an un-extracted thorn in our national life. When the GRP-Moro National Liberation...
Breach of rules
Forty-four members of the Philippine National Police - Special Action Force perished in an eleven-hour cross fire with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Mamasapano, Maguindanao. As expected, top honchos of the PNP much...
VP Binay’s presidential dream slowly crumbles!
Vice President Jejomar Binay’s dream to become President of the republic has become just like that…a dream. The several exposes of alleged grand scale corruption attributed to him have already sipped into every Filipino...