Rekindling the flame: Reigniting your entrepreneurial passion
The entrepreneurial journey is a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows, moments of exhilarating triumph and periods of crushing doubt. It’s a path paved with relentless hustle, fueled by an unwavering passion that can...
Clapback Lessons in Balota
Balota, is a movie that is streaming this week and it is not a simple dish. It is a satire, critique and a clapback and a dunk on the faces of the movie’s audience.
Let’s be bold and aggressive in our Christian life
THAT gospel episode about Christ commanding Peter to “go to the deep and lower down your nets for a catch” (Lk 5,4) reminds us, among other things, that we should be bold and aggressive...
Parental obligation
Threats to the family are aplenty that we cannot and must not just rely on authorities for protection. Children of school-going age need parental care and protection more than what authorities can provide. We...
Teenage malady
The rising cases of teenage pregnancies extant up to now are not just statistics, but a glaring failure of both parental supervision and local government intervention. Too many young lives are being derailed by...
Parasitic culture
I wonder if this rings a bell to you: a small farmer, who spent months taking care of his crops, finds that he has been robbed—not only by the hands of thieves who steal...