This unsolved murder might have been the cause of the irreconcilable gap between former president Cory Aquino and the kin of the fallen Ninoy Aquino. Many people are wondering why Ninoy’s siblings in former senators Butz and Tessie are always in the opposite side of the political fence with their sister-in-law former president Cory Aquino. People may wonder why former senators Butz and Tessie would take even the worst candidate there is that the opposition would endorse against any protégé of Cory Aquino.
That was not the setup when Butz Aquino first became senator under the administration of Cory Aquino. The falling-out started when Cory Aquino anointed Fidel Ramos as the administration bet to succeed her. The anointed army general is a known operator of martial law and was constabulary chief when Ninoy Aquino was assassinated. He may have had access and was privy to the plots of the despot but did not lift a finger to help solve the murder of Ninoy.
Surprisingly, Cory Aquino chose him to be her worthy successor, a thing that may have caused the displeasure of Ninoy’s siblings who are now seen opposing every political position of the former president. This day is indeed a turning point in our country’s history as it led to the fall of the dictator by way of a bloodless People Power Revolution. An attempt to reopen the murder case of Ninoy Aquino had been posited recently but nothing had resulted from it so far. When will this day find its meaning by serving truth and justice to Ninoy Aquino who offered his life in the belief that the Filipino is worth dying for.
That murder of the century triggered the peaceful People Power revolution that culminated in that historic highway named after the renowned Filipino historian journalist and civil servant Epefanio “Don Panyong” de los Santos avenue (EDSA). The event was became the final stage of a long struggle that was fought relentlessly with sweat and blood by an oppressed Filipino people who fought against the despotic rule of the conjugal dictatorship of Ferdinand and Imelda Marcos.
Many opposition leaders offered their lives just to regain the Filipino people’s lost freedom and liberty. This is the truth of the country’s history that the present magical president is subtly changing.
comments to alellema@yahoo.com