Entertainment in the upper house of congress is becoming a regular feature as senators bare their calibre in the debates that are more personal to those hogging the spotlight on mainstream media. Most of the subjects that are brought on the senate hall are reactions to various issues that happen in the countryside. We recall for instance the investigations purportedly in aid of legislation. The discussions are without direction and are often halted before any final resolution on any issue is reached. In most instances, the discussions are diverted to senseless talks that delve on personal concerns.
People witness senators on national television and live streaming on social media defending themselves and their colleagues from the investigation being pursued by the International Criminal Court (ICC). While there is a move from the lower house suggesting that the magical president restore the country’s membership with the ICC, there are those who are questioning such move. Self-preservation is the clear motive on the part of the war on drugs chief implementer and now senator Ronald “Bato” M. dela Rosa who has vowed to serve and protect, not the people but his president who is now private citizen Rodrigo Roa Duterte.
There too is senator Christopher Lawrence “Bong” Go, another loyal servant who won a senate seat but has acted more as a private close-in secretary and spokesperson of the former president. He it was who failed to grab the opportunity to disprove former senator Antonio F. Trillanes IV on his allegations that the former is involved in the drug trade. People would recall that former senator Antonio F. Trillanes IV challenged senator Bong Go to show his back during a senate investigation on the war on drugs as it allegedly bear a tattoo of the Hong Kong Triad. That could have proven the allegations of former senator Antonio F. Trillanes IV false or true and cleared the issue once and for all.
Not to be outdone is most popularly voted senator Robinhood Ferdinand C. Padilla, well known as the bad boy of Philippine cinema for portraying anti-hero gangster roles in movies. He has showed his politician side as a neophyte senator by acting as if he knows the constitution and laws more than the lawyers in the senate and lawyers invited as resource persons, including the experts attending senate hearings. He bared his true self when he engaged in debates regarding the role of the Philippine Coast Guard and whether coast guards are civilian or military in nature. He was unconvinced with the explanation of the coast guard officials and expressed disbelief in a manner unexpectedly unbecoming of a senator.
Taxpayers must bear the cost of such highest paid pupils using the august halls of congress as their classroom. Until when shall people bear theatrical antics that are so costly.
comments to alellema@yahoo.com