TACLOBAN CITY– The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in Eastern Visayas has expedited the issuance of individual land titles to agrarian reform beneficiaries in Hilongos, Leyte, under the Support to Parcelization of Lands for Individual Titling (Split) project.

Jose Alsmith Soria, DAR regional information officer, stated that their office is “working double time by conducting simultaneous subdivision surveys and inspections of surveyed lots,” with five survey teams assigned to Hilongos.

“Three teams conducted subdivision surveys on 11 lots covered by collective certificates of land ownership award (CLOAs), while two teams inspected eight previously surveyed lots to ensure monuments are properly in place,” Soria said in a statement.

Municipal Agrarian Reform Program Officer (MARPO) Ruben Rebato added that the 11 subdivided lots, with a combined area of 63 hectares, are located in the upland villages of Agutayan, Cacao, and Hitupdan.

According to Rebato, 55 agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) on these 11 lots are awaiting their individual land titles.

Meanwhile, DAR-8 successfully completed the inspection of eight previously surveyed lots, covering a total area of 45 hectares, by placing monuments to mark boundaries.

“These lots are situated in Barangays Agutayan, San Isidro, Sta. Margarita, and Marangog. Survey documents will then be forwarded to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) for the approval of survey plans,” Soria said.

The Split project, funded by the World Bank, aims to subdivide landholdings covered by collective CLOAs issued under the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). (RONALD O. REYES)