NAVAL, Biliran– The provincial office of the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) in Biliran has awarded top-performing agrarian reform beneficiaries organizations (ARBOs) in Biliran province during its first ARBO summit in Eastern Visayas.

According to John Colasito, information officer of DAR Leyte and Biliran provinces, ARBOs that excelled in their respective categories are recognized to inspire them to higher levels of achievement and performance.

“They are game changers in enhancing the quality of life and a multiplier effect in the community. They maximize the impact of government resources and interventions,” Colasito emphasized.

He said 49 of the ARBOs in Biliran province joining the summit are agricultural cooperatives registered with the Cooperative Development Authority.

Almeria Seafarers Multi-Purpose Cooperative (ASEMCO) was awarded the ARBO Recruitment Award for posting the highest record of members recruited into the cooperative.

ASEMCO was cited in the Agricultural Credit Award for having the highest number of agrarian reform beneficiaries who availed of agricultural credit loans without collateral. The cooperative was also given the Highest Sales in Marketing of Product Award for topping the sales or revenues of their identified products within a given period.

The Lico Agrarian Reform Cooperative was awarded the Microfinance Award for having the most number of agrarian reform beneficiaries with microfinance services, while the Looc Cabucgayan Agrarian Reform Cooperative was awarded the ARBO Product of the Year for their “romblon” bags and other handicraft products.

ASEMCO, Lico Agrarian Reform Cooperative, and Balaquid Agrarian Reform Cooperative bagged the Best ARBOs Managing an Enterprise for their profitable and well-managed operations.

The Villa Farmers Agricultural Association, Villa Cornejo Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association, Salangi-Almeria Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association, Sanggalang Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association, Tabunan Multi-Purpose Association, and Villa Caneja Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Association received awards for their successful transition from an association to a cooperative, registering either with CDA or SEC.

Special awards were given to Villa Farmers Agricultural Association, Imelda Agrarian Reform Cooperative, Union Agrarian Reform Cooperative, and Talustusan Agrarian Reform Cooperative.

DAR 8 Assistant Regional Director for Administration Ismael Aya-ay was proud that the organized ARBOs in Biliran province in the past have flourished and survived. He also recognized their crucial role in the delivery of support services as a conduit of government assistance.
(RSV with reports from John Colasito, information officer of DAR Leyte-Biliran)