The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) was recognized by the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) as among the top institutional buyers of products of agrarian reform beneficiaries organizations (ARBOs) in Eastern Visayas under the Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (PAHP) project in 2023. (JOSE ALSMITH L. SORIA)

TACLOBAN CITY – The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) recognized key government institutions in Eastern Visayas for their outstanding contributions to the Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (PAHP) project through the procurement of agricultural products from agrarian reform beneficiaries organizations (ARBOs) in 2023.

Rowena Niña Taduran, DAR Undersecretary for Support Services, said during the “PAHP Kumustahan Session” on September 3 this year held at Hotel Alejandro, “You had greatly contributed in every milestone of the project as this ensures a sustained and increased gains for our ARBs (agrarian reform beneficiaries).”

Taduran, assisted by Atty. Robert Anthony Yu, DAR Eastern Visayas regional director, handed plaques of recognition to these institutional buyers as a gesture of gratitude during the said occasion.

Regional Director Grace Subong received the award for the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) which registered with the highest purchases reaching P4.7 million for their supplementary feeding program.

Dr. Catalino Dotollo Jr. accepted the award for the National Nutrition Council (NNC) which ranked second with purchases reaching P2.7 million for the food requirements of their “Tutuk Kainan Dietary Supplementation Program.”

For the Department of Health (DOH), which ranked third with purchases reaching P2.4 million for the food requirements of patients of their attached medical centers, the award was received by Dr. Noel Arteche.

Other notable recipients include the Eastern Visayas Medical Center and the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology who also purchase from the ARBOs for the daily food requirements of patients and persons deprived of liberty, respectively.

Meanwhile, ARBOs who generated the highest sales through the PAHP project last year were likewise recognized. The top three ARBOs were the MAALSADA-FISCO from Alangalang, Leyte; the Almeria Seafarers Multi-Purpose Cooperative of Almeria, Biliran; and the FEA-ARCO in Salcedo, Eastern Samar.