TACLOBAN CITY – The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) is again accepting applications for the DAR Scholarship Program for the Dependents of Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries (DSP-DARBs).

This scholarship program aims to provide financial support to qualified dependents of agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) who are interested in pursuing a four-year agriculture-related course at any state universities and colleges (SUCs).

DAR Eastern Visayas Regional Director, Atty. Robert Anthony Yu, encourages children and other dependents of ARBs to grab this opportunity in achieving their dreams.

To qualify, applicants must possess the following: a legitimate dependent of an ARB with a total gross income of no more than P100,000 per year; a senior high school graduate with a general average grade of at least 83 percent; must have passed the college admission exam administered by the SUC; must not have been convicted of any crime that involves moral turpitude; and must not have any ongoing administrative or criminal case.

Interested parties should fill out the application form and submit it to any DAR office in their area together with the following required documents: certification from the DAR regional or provincial office that the applicant is a qualified dependent of an ARB; Personal Data Sheet (CSC Form 212); authenticated copy or certified machine copy of the birth certificate of the applicant; health certificate issued by a government hospital or physician; barangay clearance; certified photocopy of Form 137 (High School Report Card); statement of commitment and support by the parents or guardian of the applicant; certification of good moral character issued by the high school principal or religious leader in the community; certified true copy of the income tax return (ITR) of applicant’s parents; certificate of rating from the SUC for passing the entrance examination; and certificate of enrolment (if enrolled).

Deadline for the submission of applications is on March 31 this year.

As DSP-DARBs scholar, he/she will receive: P3,000 monthly stipend; P2,000 book allowance for every semester; P500 transportation allowance for every month; P500 lodging allowance for every month; graduation fee not exceeding P5,000; P10,000 thesis allowance, if applicable; and P5,000 summer class allowance for two months.

Yu shared that in Eastern Visayas, there are seven DAR DSP-DARBs scholars who are currently enrolled in different SUCs in the region.