A plan called “gas swapping arrangement” was jointly conceived by the Department od Energy (DOE) and select stakeholders – primarily to ensure sufficient power supply during the months of high electricity demand.
The plan was discussed on December 27, 2022 among representatives from DOE and stakeholders from First Gen Corp, Prime Energy, Manila Electric Co. (Meralco) and South Premier Power Corp. (SPCC).
The plan centers on the implementation of the “gas swapping arrangement” in anticipation of the shortage of electricity from March to July 2023. Under the plan, at least 80 million standard cubic feet per day of First Gen’s Malampaya banked gas allocation to operate SPCC’s Ilijan power plant in Batangas.
Accordingly, the DOE shall help the participating stakeholders “secure permits and hurdle bureaucratic processes at the shortest time possible, including endorsement to the Energy Regulatory Commission.” Likewise, the DOE assured the public that the agency will not let them down as far as power supply stability is concerned.”
The DOE-led plan is laudable, a very proactive move to alleviate the Filipinos apprehension on power shortages especially during the months from March to July this year and hopefully onwards! Other government agencies should emulate the DOE for the proactive stand, preempting apprehension by the power consuming residents and commercial establishments. I would wish the same to happen in the Department of Agriculture that seems to be getting the ire of the public, especially on the issues of low production and exorbitant prices of agri consumer items.
NEXT TOPIC : “Five-fold Income by VMC from August to November 2022 Laudable”
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