MAASIN CITY-The Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) has earmarked P2.7 million as its counterpart fund for the special program for employment of students (SPES) this summer time in the province.
According to labor inspector Marlo Sible of the DOLE-Southern Leyte, the amount represents 40 percent share of DOLE for the expected 801 SPES beneficiaries province-wide, while the other 60 percent would be the share of the concerned local government unit (LGU) which would hire students or even non-students.
SPES is a regular job placement program provided by the labor department during summer and Christmas vacation school breaks, in close cooperation with LGUs and private establishments as willing partners, so beneficiaries can earn money to buy school supplies and other needs for the incoming school year.
Sible said the basic requirements to be eligible as SPES grantee are the following: at least 15 but not more than 30 years old; must have a passing grade; for out-of-school youth there must be a certification from the local DSWD; and annual income of parents is not more than P 127,000 for Region 8.
“Interested individuals are advised to coordinate with the public employment service officer (PESO) in their respective cities or municipalities,” Sible informed. (JNPD/MMP/PIA-8, Southern Leyte)