NSSDEO, Brgy. Burabud, Laoang, Northern Samar – The Department of Public Works and Highways – Northern Samar Second District Engineering Office (DPWH-NSSDEO) spearheaded by District Engineer Charlito S. Carlobos and Assistant District Engineer, Atty. Arthur Eric L. Sabong, has completed a new agricultural road project located in Brgy. 7, Pambujan, N. Samar.

The Concreting of Sitio Kankinaway to Sitio Laoangan to Sitio Rombang, Brgy. Poblacion 7, Sitio Ilong Bukid and Brgy. Cabatoan has a scope of work of 325 meters and width of 6.10 meters starting at Sta. 1+086.00 to Sta. 1+411.00, contracted to EFC Development Corporation, with a total allocation of P14,845,365.48.

According to DE Carlobos, the district office has taken extra efforts to fast track the completion of the project for the purpose that local folks and farmers will immediately use the said road and no longer endure the tough condition in transporting their agricultural products passing along Sitio Kankinaway going to Sitio Rombang, vice versa.

This project has a great impact to local populace to lessen the poverty rate and allows them to exchange essential goods and services. Furthermore, business entities from the town proper can easily transact to farmers for their agricultural commodities that will improve employment rate to rural communities.

Thus, the completion of this project is expected to boost commerce and local economy of the community that will certainly amplify agricultural production and efficiency in farming activities within and nearby areas.