CATARMAN,Northern Samar-The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) Northern Samar First District Engineering Office recently held a Lenten Recollection on March 1, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at the district office. The event aimed to provide a meaningful spiritual experience for its employees as the Lenten season approaches.

The Lenten Recollection was led by Bro. Ed Villacorte, a book author and head of the Center for Christ Leadership. Bro. Villacorte’s topic centered on the importance of faith, prayer, and reflection during Lent, encouraging employees to deepen their spiritual lives and embrace the values of compassion, forgiveness, and service to others.

The spiritual exercise provided employees with an opportunity to pause and reflect on their personal and professional lives, reminding them of the importance of balance and self-care. It also served as a time of fellowship, strengthening bonds among colleagues and promoting a sense of unity within the workplace.

DPWH Northern Samar 1st DEO recognizes the importance of supporting its employees’ spiritual well-being, acknowledging that a strong sense of faith and purpose can positively impact their work performance and overall quality of life.

District Engineer Alvin A. Ignacio emphasized the significance of the Lenten Recollection, stating, “The Lenten Recollection reflects the organization’s commitment to holistic development of its members. It ensures that employees are not only equipped with the necessary skills for their jobs but are also nurtured spiritually and emotionally.”

The Recollection concluded with a meaningful and reflective experience for all participants, fostering a sense of spiritual renewal and unity among employees.