CATARMAN, Northern Samar –The Department of Public Works and Highways-Northern Samar First District Engineering Office (DPWH-NSFDEO) has completed the construction of a P6.28 million one-storey, two-classroom school building at Washington Elementary School in Brgy. Washington, Catarman, Northern Samar.

The project involves the complete construction of a one-storey, two-classroom school building with a total floor area of 200.91 sq.m., including clearing and grubbing, embankment, and CHB gutter.

Each classroom is equipped with essential amenities, including a handwashing area, window grills at the front and rear windows, a parapet wall, and comfort rooms. The facility also features ramps with handrails to ensure accessibility for people with disabilities (PWD).
District Engineer Alvin A. Ignacio highlighted the importance of the new infrastructure for the school.

“The completion of this school building will provide a significant improvement to the learning conditions for our Grade 3 and Grade 6 students. Ensuring a secure and conducive environment for learning is essential for their academic and personal development.”
Meanwhile, Ral C. Pito, principal at Washington Elementary School, expressed his heartfelt gratitude for the newly constructed classrooms.

“On behalf of Washington Elementary School, we extend our deepest thanks to the DPWH for providing us with two additional classrooms. This project is a significant boon for our students, offering much-needed space and facilities. The new building will accommodate our Grade 6 students, as we now have two sections for Grade 6, and one section for Grade 3, in response to our steadily increasing enrollment. This timely addition is greatly appreciated.”

The completion of this project showcases DPWH-NSFDEO’s commitment to improving educational facilities and fostering students’ academic development through essential infrastructure.

The project commenced on November 20, 2023, and was completed on May 15, 2024, as part of the Department of Education’s Basic Education Facilities Fund (BEEF) for FY 2023.