Catarman, Northern Samar – The Department of Public Works and Highways – Northern Samar First District Engineering Office (DPWH-NSFDEO) marked the beginning of its 126th Anniversary celebrations with a tree planting activity on June 7, 2024. This event coincided with Philippine Arbor Day, celebrated every June, emphasizing the importance of environmental sustainability and reforestation.

The tree planting initiative saw enthusiastic participation from Section Chiefs, employees, and other personnel, all united in their mission to contribute to the nation’s reforestation efforts.

Led by District Engineer Alvin A. Ignacio and Assistant District Engineer Vivian G. Biaco, DPWH-NSFDEO employees planted a total of 200 Pili seedlings across three key areas within the district: Catarman-Laoang Road Section, Catarman-Calbayog Road Section, and Bobon-Trujillo Road Section.

These efforts underscore DPWH-NSFDEO’s commitment to environmental stewardship alongside its infrastructural projects.

“As we celebrate 126 years of dedicated service to the Filipino people, we are reminded of our responsibility to not only build better infrastructure but also to care for the environment that sustains us,” said DE Alvin Ignacio.

“This tree planting activity is a symbol of our commitment to a greener and more resilient Philippines.” DE Ignacio further stated.

The nationwide tree planting activity aims to encourage environmental conservation and foster a sense of environmental responsibility among the Department’s officials and employees.