CATARMAN,Northern Samar -In a remarkable achievement, the Planning and Design Section (PDS) of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH)-Northern Samar First District Engineering Office has maintained its outstanding rating, clinching the top spot regionwide and an impressive 12th position nationwide in the Cost Estimation Audit for the year 2023.

The Outstanding rating is a direct result of the district’s unwavering commitment in adhering to the guidelines and procedures outlined in Department Order No. 1, Series of 2018.

The CEA is carried out by a team of experts from the DPWH’s Bureau of Construction (BOC) at the Central Office.

During the latest CEA, which took place on May 26-27, 2023, the team conducted an extensive audit of the field office, focusing on various areas such as compliance with existing laws, adherence to DPWH Cost Estimation-Related Issuances, accuracy of estimates, document requirements, and overall management practices.

Expressing his appreciation, District Engineer Alvin A. Ignacio remarked that the outstanding performance of the PDS for 3 consecutive years now in the said audit is a testament to the unwavering dedication and hard work of its staff. He further emphasized the crucial role that accurate cost estimation plays in the successful execution of infrastructure initiatives, as it facilitates efficient resource allocation and helps prevent budget overruns and delays.

The Cost Estimation Audit is an annual evaluation that scrutinizes various aspects of cost estimation in DPWH projects, including the preparation of the Program of Works (POW); the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC); Detailed Unit Price Analysis (DUPA); Construction Materials Unit Price; Equipment Cost among others. This thorough assessment ensures that cost estimates are precise and reliable, ultimately promoting transparency and accountability in the implementation of infrastructure ventures.