Good deeds and performance in office are investments that politicians must sow if one intends to stay in political power. People will always remember the good things that politicians deliver to them, especially those that redound to the improvement of their lives and their communities. Those who are serious in serving the people will keep working for every work counts as seeds that will be nurtured in the hearts and minds of a grateful electorate. Every good deed is a campaign statement that reminds the people to continue supporting the politician who works and delivers the needs of the constituents.
This explains why politicians would shamelessly plaster their faces and banner their names in grabbing credit for projects that are in truth funded by the money of the taxpayers. Having their names painted all over, particularly on signboards of government projects, are their way of investing credit for their political future. The gullible lot among our voters would believe that projects are truly given out of the efforts and kindness of their local politicians. These projects are readily cited and claimed as performance of politicians who are seeking reelection. The neophytes and aspiring pretenders to elective office also put investments by small projects that will introduce their good intentions to the people.
In some instances however, projects and performance do not create an imprint in the consciousness of the voters. The need to remind the voters of the good deeds and accomplishment is always a must if the politician wants to be voted into office. Those signboards and streamers had to last for a long period if only to serve as constant reminder about the politicians who shamelessly claim credit for it. Others resort into various gimmicks like displaying large banners and streamers for occasions like Christmas, New Year and Fiestas. The greetings are printed in fonts smaller that the portrait and name of the politician.
But the most effective investment is that sown on the electorate too close to harvest time. It is the seed that remains in the hearts and minds of the people until election time. The likelihood of converting the investment into votes is better when sown at a time too close to voting. That political investment which the wealthy and mighty politicians bank on for getting elected is money. It is the evil that makes politics a dirty game and elective office a certainty for the highest bidder. The seeds being sown near election time is the one that bears fruit ready for a good harvest in due time. Money causes people to be prostituted by giving up their sovereign will and giving in to the demands of the politicians.
comments to alellema@yahoo.com