Since the ratification of the 1987 Constitution, congress has yet to enact an enabling law prohibiting political dynasties. The utter failure to pass such legislation is due to the lack of interest of legislators as they will be the most affected. We know too well how politicians had maintained a stranglehold of elective positions and power with family and kin partaking the limited posts available. Such practice results in the concentration of political power within and among family members.

It deprives others of the opportunity to obtain elective office as the same are held exclusively beyond the reach and access of citizens who too are qualified to hold such offices. Incumbents and those in power have the edge in getting the position they presently hold. The tremendous force being wielded by the one in power who has at his disposal all necessary resources to ensure victory for him and every body in the family who are seeking elective office as well.

But we have been into such iniquitous situation ever since the provision against political dynasties was enshrined in the Constitution. The provision is well intended to equalize the playing field insofar as access to public office is made available to the citizenry. The idea may have been inspired by the unwritten rule where political power remains concentrated on individuals who are blessed to be so by the powers that be.

Dynasty according to one legal luminary who is one of the framers of the 1987 Constitution, is committed in two ways. It may be simultaneous or successive. The more prevalent practice is successive dynasty wherein the elected post is passed among family members in succession after the end of the term limit of one family member.

Such practice deprives all others aspiring for the post from getting the office as the incumbent has always the decided advantage for wielding power and resources to ensure keeping the post. In the other mode, family members seek elective office simultaneously and acquire control over positions of power.

Such families would not be spending so much of their money if they do not see a good opportunity to rake back what they spent during elections. People would know how projects are cornered by dummies of politicians which results in irregularities through substandard materials and workmanship as such contracts are passed to sub-contractors with huge cuts from the original project cost. In some instances, politicians are the contractors themselves, using dummies as well but take the huge profit not just the cuts.

This is the case of the senatorial, congressional and even local politicians who had been into the practice of building dynasties. And they have the temerity to say that it is not their fault as they are voted into office by the gullible majority who prefers to elect entertainers and comedians than educated candidates. But there is no enabling law prohibiting dynasties that is why the system remains as a family business.
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