ORMOC CITY-A senior citizen farmer is presently recuperating from stabbed wounds at the Biliran Provincial Hospital in Naval, Biliran after he was stabbed by a fellow farmer at about 5 pm on Wednesday (June 5) in Barangay Baso, Cabucgayan, also in the same province.

The victim was identified as alias “Jun” 65, a widower, and farmer, while the suspect was identified as alias “Jim” 40, also a farmer, both residents in Brgy. Baso.

Initial investigation conducted by responding police disclosed that based on the statement of witnesses who alleged that the suspect went inside the house of the victim and stabbed him several times hitting his stomach and back portion of his body with the use of a pointed weapon locally known as “ice pick”.

The victim was immediately brought to the Biliran Provincial Hospital for immediate medical attention while the suspect fled in an unknown direction.

Elements of Cabucgayan municipal police station immediately conducted a hot pursuit operation for the possible arrest of the suspect to discern the motive of the stabbing.

Meanwhile, the local police ar now preparing the necessary documents for filing criminal charges against the suspect.