CATUBIG, Northern Samar- A farmer from this town is now detained after he was arrested for illegal possession of firearm on Saturday (February 11).
Detained was Jinel Modrigo,31, single and a resident of Barangay Calingnan,this town.
Based on report, Modrigo went to the house of his neighbor, Florencio Lambino, armed with air rifle and threatened to kill him.
But before he could carry out his intent to harm Lambino, two village officials, namely, Lionel Tentativa and Dennis Mercado, arrested him and turned him over to the Catubig police station.
The suspect is now detained at the said police station and is facing for violation of RA 10591 or the Comprehensive Firearms Law.
As this developed, S/Supt. Ceasar ZL Tannagan, police provincial director, reminded the public especially firearm holders to update the license of their firearms as non-compliance of the same is tantamount to criminal act.
Further, he reiterated that PNP’s program on illegal firearms still subsists and that use of unlicensed firearm in furtherance of crime has stiffer penalty under R. A. 10591. (PR)