No matter the crisis, people still find ways to share the graces of the year that was by feasting with visitors during fiesta celebrations. Many complain about the hardships of daily living but always find the grace to join the community of the faithful in thanking God by celebrating the feast of Saints.
The industrious one may just go fiesta hopping and survive for a month or two on a variety of menu. While it seems impractical to feast on loan, many would still resort to borrowing just to fulfill the grace of the celebration. Whatever strategy one may use to prepare for bountiful celebration, there is always a way to find enough preparation.
Those who do not believe in hosting fiestas for financial reasons are free to live by their conviction. But the many believers still choose to celebrate in thanksgiving to God for the graces and blessings received. The blessings may appear insignificant to the public eye but for the faithful, any grace received is worthy celebrating a feast in thanksgiving.
No one has come out claiming receiving abundant graces as a result of celebrating fiestas. Tracing the causal connection may just be too tough a task if only to prove that there are rewards in fiesta celebrations. On the other hand, even when one ekes out and borrows just to celebrate and give thanks, we too have not heard of anyone becoming poor due to celebrating fiestas.
The practice is really a matter of faith truly dependent on the spirituality of the person. While some argue that fiestas are counter-productive, many are still embracing the religious tradition. We are just at the onset of the month noted as the peak of fiesta celebrations. Many of the less-fortunate and economically poor take advantage of the season but gracious hosts do not mind sharing the graces in these once a year celebration.
comments to alellema@yahoo.com