MAASIN CITY- The Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) field office here recently kicked off the construction of flood control structures along Subang Daku River, which cuts through Sogod town.
The over P240 million flood control system is seen as a permanent solution to the problem of overflowing and erosions in Subang Daku River, the largest watercourse in Southern Leyte province.
Ongoing are six flood control projects with a cost of more than P40 million each in the river sections of Hibod-Hibod, Kanangkaan, San Juan, San Vicente, Suba, and Zone 3.
“We carried out the implementation of these flood mitigation projects in order to lessen the damages incurred by perennial flooding in the entire Sogod town,” said Ma. Margarita Junia, DPWH Southern Leyte district engineer.
She added that the six flood control structures are placed on critical sections and populated villages located nearby Subang Daku River. Residents have been worried of worsening inundation in the area during heavy downpour.
“We believe the construction of flood control system is the permanent solution to safeguard the lives and properties of the residents living near Subang Daku. The population near the riverbank is growing so we need to protect the populace,” Junia explained.
The Southern Leyte district engineering office (SLDEO) conducted an on-site inspection to determine the project’s progress.
Work on the riprap is ongoing and preparation for the installation of gabions along the structure’s apron is also in progress.
Aside from the six projects being undertaken, DPWH-SLDEO is also planning to extend the flood control system to the whole stretch of Subang Daku River to protect other villages vulnerable to flooding.
“The flood control system is always included in our priority development projects and we vow to construct more riverbank protection in the future,” the official added.
Flood control structures not only prevent flooding in the river’s adjacent areas but also protect against scouring or erosions along riverbanks.
Moreover, DPWH already has the approved rechanneling plan for Subang Daku, but it is the provincial government which will implement the river rechanneling project.
River rechanneling or channelization is a method that widens or deepens rivers to increase the capacity for flow volume at specific sections of a river which can facilitate more water during floods resulting to less damage. (PR)