The recent mention of Samar State University (SSU) by President Marcos Jr. in his State of the Nation Address (SONA) as one of the globally recognized and high-performing universities is a significant point of pride for the residents of Samar as it places SSU on the global academic map, highlighting its contributions to higher education and its role in shaping future leaders and innovators. For the local community, this is not just an accolade but a validation of the hard work and dedication that the university has consistently demonstrated over the years. However, this global acknowledgment starkly contrasts with the harsh realities faced by those trying to access the institution.

Despite its esteemed status, SSU remains almost inaccessible due to the deplorable condition of the Samar highway leading to Catbalogan. This highway, notorious for its huge cracks and crevices, poses significant risks to vehicles and passengers alike. The treacherous road conditions have the potential to upturn vehicles and endanger lives, making the journey to SSU a hazardous endeavor. For a university of SSU’s caliber, such infrastructural deficiencies are unacceptable and undermine its ability to serve as an educational hub in the region.

Compounding this issue is the perplexing destruction of newly rehabilitated road portions by heavy equipment. This seemingly inexplicable activity has caused traffic jams and delays for motorists, leading to widespread frustration and suspicion among the residents. The suspicion is that these actions are driven by corruption, with authorities exploiting new funds for road repair as a source of illicit income. This cycle of destruction and reconstruction not only wastes public funds but also hampers the region’s development and accessibility.

Moreover, the province’s lack of air transport further isolates SSU. The old airport, which has remained non-operational for decades, represents a missed opportunity for improving connectivity and fostering regional growth. An operational airport would significantly enhance accessibility to SSU, attracting students, faculty, and researchers from across the country and the world. The continued neglect of this crucial infrastructure is a disservice to the province’s potential and the aspirations of its residents.

To truly honor the global recognition of Samar State University, the government must prioritize improving transportation access to the institution. This involves not only repairing and maintaining the Samar highway but also ensuring that newly rehabilitated roads are preserved and not subject to unnecessary destruction. Additionally, reopening and upgrading the old airport should be a top priority to facilitate air travel to and from the province. Through all this, the government can ensure that SSU’s global recognition translates into tangible benefits for the community and the region.

While the global recognition of Samar State University is a source of immense pride, it also underscores the urgent need for infrastructural improvements in Samar. The government must take decisive action to enhance transportation access to SSU and prevent the misuse of public funds in road projects. It must support the university’s mission to be an educational hub and ensure that its recognition on the world stage is matched by the quality of its local environment and accessibility.