In a story appearing at the British Broadcasting Corporation website as written by Sofia Ferreira Santos & Konul Khalilova, it talked about Dozens Surviving Kazakhstan Air Plane Crash. This is something interesting for someone who hates flying and fears crashing down on a plane. As a disciple of sorts and teacher of Physics this is something a big news as it would be certain death when a plane crashes and you are a passenger.
But this one proved that it is quite the opposite, Plane Crash are giving a passenger higher chance of surviving.
Surviving a passenger plane crash is more likely than many people think. According to the US National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), more than 95% of passengers survive accidents, including 55% in the most serious incidents. The survival rate is even higher for less severe crashes.
Factors that influence survival include the severity of the crash, the presence of fire, and the effectiveness of rescue operations. For instance, crashes on land generally have higher survival rates compared to those in the ocean due to quicker rescue response times.
It is even easier to survive a hijacking incident as data shows : While hijackings are often associated with high-profile and tragic events like the 9/11 attacks, many hijackings have ended without fatalities. For instance, during the “Golden Age of Hijacking” from 1968 to 1972, there were over 305 incidents globally, but most ended without fatalities.
The recent Kazakhstan Air Line incident shows, it is possible to escape, a bit rattled, injured but alive.
A quick check on the news around the Kazakhstan Air Line crashes shows that the Fuselage Integrity (Durable Plane Body) and the quick response of the ground emergency saved the lives of dozens passengers.
For a self-confessed person with Flying Phobia, this is quite a relief . This is a note -to- self-moment. We can survive a plane crash, easier than we thought! If only we can convince ourselves that it is so and tame our fears as we go and take-off.