Working in government is more than just a job; it is a calling to serve the public and contribute to the greater good. This noble pursuit demands unwavering dedication, integrity, and a steadfast commitment to ethical principles. In a world where corruption can easily undermine progress and trust, staying true to one’s calling and doing good in government work is both a moral obligation and a beacon of hope for society.
That right there is the ideal.
Now here is the reality:
Government corruption remains a significant issue in the Philippines. According to the 2023 Corruption Perceptions Index by Transparency International, the Philippines ranked 115th out of 180 countries, with a score of 34 out of 100. This score indicates a high level of perceived corruption in the public sector.
Efforts to combat corruption are ongoing, with various measures being proposed and implemented. For instance, a bill has been filed in the House of Representatives seeking to impose the death penalty for government officials convicted of graft and corruption. Additionally, public awareness and advocacy for transparency and accountability continue to play a crucial role in addressing this issue.
To 10 College Students from various schools which I have asked, all of them believes that there is corruption in the government. They even have a Top 5 of the Most Corrupt agency, luckily educational institutions and Commission on Higher Education is not part of the black list, but a few finance related institution and one that deals with infrastructures are on the top list. The one that worries this enumerator is that, the 10 respondents thinks that they cannot do anything/nor can they stop them!
Just the two data that jumps about that mini -survey clearly shows, the youth knew that there is a problem (corruption) and that they are powerless (resigned to the fact).
As every year usher-in new hope and perhaps it does introduce a new paradigm, we the old ones prays that there must be a breakthrough drug (phenomena) that can somehow stop the bleeding of public funds. At this time perhaps the waterfall of bad luck called corruption cascades and fall steadily to the pockets of those who perpetuate the raid of our public funds by way of the schemes and the modus operandi they have.
We hope and pray for that breakthrough phenomena for real public service in 2025, but we also acknowledge the fact that this time its seemingly bleak.