Many Filipinos here and abroad had been following the investigation being conducted by the house of representatives and the senate on various issues, purportedly in aid of legislation. People might not have been updated as to the number of laws that had been enacted as a result of such investigations. It may be mere gut feel that laws are indeed the product of those investigations in aid of legislation. The cost of such investigations is high considering the manpower, time and funds that are spent. As the proceedings continue, people are getting significant information on matters and issues that were well kept during the term of former president Rodrigo Roa Duterte and his minions who supported his bloody war on drugs.
The personal appearance of the former president before the investigating committees of both houses of congress afforded the best opportunity for him to reveal well-kept secrets and disclose untold stories about his bloody war on drugs. Given enough opportunity and time to bare his story, the investigating committees were able to gradually eke out vital information, most of which had been denied by his minions who took the stance of doing everything, with some even expressing willing to offer false testimony or even life just to protect their master.
It is indeed appalling how his minions would have the temerity to deny the truth that are supported by facts just be show blind obedience to their master. In the course of the testimonies and interpellations of the invited resource persons, they would declare opposing testimonies against each other. Despite the declaration of the former president of for instance the existing of the reported Davao Death Squad, his minions still insist that there is no such thing. The opposing narrations of the minions and their master would appear a funny show for some but others consider is as trash talks.
A few citizens find the proceedings boring but have to endure the long hours of such expensive theatrics in the hope of getting relevant untold inform that had been kept from the public. True enough, the free narration of the former president would bare several information especially on the secrets of his bloody drug war. What had been the favorite excuse of the former president using hyperbole in his speeches appear as oxymoronic statements that people find as nothing but self-destructing statements. One instance that caught him admitting the existence of the Davao Death Squad that was labelled as the Davao template was reportedly used on a national scale when he became president.
In the early days of the hearings when those identified as officials considered charged before the International Criminal Court and are under investigation and prosecution for war crimes and crimes against humanity, the former president and his minions had the temerity to insist that such international body is without jurisdiction to do so. It took a sudden rift between the magical president and the vice president for the administration to take an awkward summersault, from supporting the former president in his baseless stance against the international criminal court to cooperation. That altered the fate of the vice president as she resigned from her being an education secretary to one outside the cabinet. These are offshoots of being humbug.
comments to alellema@yahoo.com