DOLORES, Eastern Samar– National Housing Authority OIC District Manager Reggie Mañoso, together with 4Ps party-list Rep. Marcelino C. Libanan, led the distribution of certificates of award of residential lots to 24 informal settlers in this municipality.
The initiative aims to provide housing solutions to informal settlers, addressing the longstanding issue of housing inadequacy in the region.

Mañoso highlighted the significance of the Dolores resettlement project as a collaborative effort between the NHA and the local government unit (LGU) of Dolores.

Despite its implementation spanning several years, challenges persist, particularly in ensuring the fair distribution of housing lots among eligible beneficiaries.

With 200 lots covered under the NHA Resettlement Assistance Program in Dolores, the identification and approval of 24 beneficiaries by the Municipal Social Welfare and Development Office (MSWDO) and Local Integration Action Council (LIAC) mark a significant step forward.

“The remaining lots are expected to be awarded within the year,” Mañoso added.
Mylen Pajenado expressed gratitude on behalf of the beneficiaries to the NHA and the LGU Dolores for a permanent and safe home, acknowledging its positive impact on her family.
Dolores Councilor Randy Pomida reiterated the importance of housing as a fundamental need for families and commended the NHA’s efforts in solving the housing insufficiency issue in Dolores.

Meanwhile, Mayor Rodrigo Rivera emphasized the need for unity and community cohesion among beneficiaries, urging them to cherish the opportunity and contribute to maintaining peace and stability in their new neighborhood.

The NHA resettlement area is under the Resettlement Assistance Program for Local Government Units (RAP-LGU), with a project cost of P7 million.
(SDC, PIA Eastern Samar with Cyra Mae Ambil, ESSU Intern)