KANANGA,Leyte– Officials from Sinulog Festival of Cebu personally invited the municipality of Kananga to be part of the 45th Sinulog Festival competition next year.

The invitation to Kananga was personally relayed by Patricio Primor Jr., during a press conference before the 2nd Kananga Kaanyag Festival competition held Sunday (June 9).
Mayor Matt Torres welcomed the invitation from the Sinulog Festival officials saying that it was an honor for a young festival to be invited to perform and compete in one of the prestigious festival competitions in the country.

However, Mayor Torres added that they will still need to think if they will send a contingent to next year’s Sinulog because they still need to discuss as it will require bigger funding.
Sinulog Festival is an annual competition held every third week of January in honor of the patron of the Holy Child Jesus or the Senior Santo Niño.

Meanwhile, in the second Kananga Kaanyag Festival, the municipal government decided to have two categories this year – school-based and open categories.

Among the contingents in the open category were from San Jose, Tacloban, Ormoc City, and Leyte, Leyte province.

In this year competition, Kanangahanung Matahum was the runaway winner bagging the top prize for the school-based category and winning P200,000 cash prize.

They also won best float special award, best in musical score, best in festival costumes, and best in street dancing.

For the open-based category, Hiraiti Festival of Leyte municipality bagged the top prize winning P200,000 and also won the best in street dancing open-based category also winning P70,000 and best choreographer.

Other winners were Team Maanyagung Mananayaw for most discipline contingent, best in visual presentation for Pundok Ogmukanun.

For the Festival Queen competition, Pundok Ogmocanon Michelle Valderas bagged the crown while Jovanna Dawa was awarded as miss photogenic.