In Eastern Samar

ARTECHE, Eastern Samar– 4Ps party-list Rep. and Minority Leader Marcelino “Nonoy” Libanan has responded to the call of the people of Eastern Samar to run for congressman and unite with Governor Ben Evardone.

“It is my duty to listen to the clamor of the political machinery of my province down to the barangays. It is my responsibility to react positively to this call,” Libanan said in a media interview on Saturday (June 8).

According to Libanan, 20 mayors, vice mayors, their Sangguniang members, and even barangay leaders signed a resolution endorsing him and Gov. Evardone to unite and run for the positions of congressman and governor for the province of Eastern Samar, respectively, in next year’s elections.

“About 95 percent of Eastern Samar is calling for unification and for me to run as a congressman. This is unprecedented,” he added.

Libanan, who was in Arteche to lead the inauguration of an academic building at the Eastern Samar State University-Arteche campus last Saturday(June 8), served as three-term congressman of the lone congressional district of Eastern Samar, a post occupied by Rep. Maria Fe Abunda.

The goal of this unification, according to Libanan, is to hold a development summit after the election to strategize a plan to remove Eastern Samar from the list of the poorest provinces in the country.

This summit will define a unified plan to identify the roles of the congressman, the governor, the mayors, and the barangays in achieving the goal of eradicating poverty in the province, the lawmaker said.

Meanwhile, Mayor Boie Rolan Evardone of Arteche, who admitted that he is not a supporter of Libanan since their political families have been foes for decades, said that it is high time to set aside politics and support good plans and clear directions for the development of Eastern Samar.

“I support Rep.Libanan because I believe he is the right person with a clear plan, willing to support Arteche’s crusade for a developed municipality,” he said. (LIZBETH ANN A. ABELLA)