ORMOC CITY– It was first to be a road accident but was later discovered to be involving a shooting incident.

Thus said Police Captain Realthur Tabernero, police chief of Palompon, Leyte, referring to an incident that took place along a national road in Barangay San Juan last Saturday (March 23) at about 2:50 am.

The victim, identified as Cipriano Ochea,31, a cook at a local eatery, was found blooded beside a road whose motorcycle was said to have hit a mango tree.

However upon investigation, it was discovered that the victim had a gunshot wound in the head and other parts of his body.

Members of a forensic unit of the Ormoc city police found two empty shells of an undetermined firearm on the crime scene.

Tabernero said that they are now conducting a thorough investigation over the motive and the identity of the suspects in the killing of the victim who has no known enemy in his area of work.

The victim’s cadaver was brought to a local funeral parlor for post mortem examination.