The state of mental health among Pinoy workers was aggravated and became prominent as an after effect of the COVID-19 pandemia. Many employees who either lost their means of livelihood like those in the transport and food service sectors count among those least comfortable to show their mental concerns to their supervisors, relatives or even friends.
They obtained data through a survey conducted with mental health organization “Calm Collective Asia” by Milieu Insight (M I) showed the following data –
– 38 percent of employees in the Philippines do not feel comfortable sharing their mental concerns with their supervisor, manager or relevant Staff;
– 62 percent of employees in Singapore (actually taking the lead);
– 45 percent of employees in Malaysia (second place);
– 34 percent in Indonesia;
– 33 percent in Thailand;
– 21 percent in Vietnam.
The survey among 6,000 employees of 6 Southeast Asian, conducted in September 2022, showed that 38 percent across do not feel comfortable sharing about their mental health concerns with their managers.
The aim of the M I research-survey in Southeast Asia was “to understand the mental heath needs of employees in S E Asia and how these can be addressed in the workplace.
In the Philippine, the scenario showed the following challenges –
– 52 percent of Pinoy employees feared being judged or discriminated;
– 47 percent not wanting to burden people with their problems;
– 41 percent felt that one may understand what they are going through.
Also, in terms of the Pinoy workers top stressors, respondents said about having anxiety symptom (47 percent), while others experience being burned out (46 percent). And, when the same respondents were asked about their preferred mental health resources in the workplace are flexible work arrangements (49 percent), paid mental wellness leave or time (43 percent and budget for health and wellness activities (36 percent).
I agree with the Milieu Insight’s overall survey data on Southeast Asian workers responses saying that “psychological safety” is either non-existent or poorly implemented, making it a barrier to normalizing mental health conversations in the work place.” Also, as observed, is the absence of psychologist items, want of psychology clinics even in some big-named companies, to cater to the mental health-related cases of employees. I suggest that Congress tackles the issue seriously by passing measures that will make it mandatory, in all establishments with 50 or more employees to have Psychologists available 24/7 and a working Psycho Laboratory equipped with basic instrumentations and manned by academically prepared and trained personnel!
NEXT TOPIC : “ASEAN countries tackle e-phytosanitary certification Issue”
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