The Atkin’s cold storage facility, owned by the Atkin’s Import and Export Resources Inc, operates using solar renewable energy (R E) installed by Spectrum, a renewable energy company owned by the Manila Electric Company Inc.(Meralco).
The sixth and latest cold storage and the largest in southern Luzon, is the first to use clean energy from the sun. The R E provider Spectrum is capable of generating 1,362 million kilowatt hours of clean energy annually, and translates to Atkin’s annual savings of P9.5 million in energy costs. Also, means that “Atkins will help reduce carbon footprint by 970 tons or over 44.500 trees planted or reducing about 3.9 million kilometers in car travel per year.”
The Atkin’s and Meralco partnership is vital because it helps ensures food supply, particularly meat products sourced, imported from and distributed to all over the world. Likewise, the partnership “. . . reaffirms Meralco’s commitment to taking an active role in energizing and supporting agri-ventures that pave the way towards nation-building. We trust that with the energization of this breakthrough facility will trigger meaningful conversations about food security and encourage industry to encourage members of the food and beverage industry to emulate Atkins.”
The Atkin’s and Meralco partnership is an example showing how science through research and development (R & D) works. The discovery of renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, are off shots of painstaking research – a departure from using coal to fuel cold storage and similar facilities. The Atkins cold storage engineering design must have evolved from a simple facility to one that could be operated using renewable energy. My take, is for Filipinos and mankind is just to BELIEVE IN SCIENCE.
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