The upcoming election is not only a political battle but also a test on the intelligence of the country’s electorate. Most of the candidates running for top seats have dubious reputations, a sullied past, and links with forces who openly ignore democratic values. If the populace does not judge their selection judiciously, the nation may end up in the hands of individuals who will annihilate democracy for dubious reasons.

History has consistently demonstrated the consequences of such bad leaders. Corrupt government officials, once they gain power, employ their power to accumulate money, suppress their critics, and twist laws for their self-preservation. Their administration is characterized by loot, corruption, and violation of public trust. And still, they come back with each election cycle, relying on the short memory of the people, lying, and using ignorance to seize power. Without watchfulness, the country will again be governed by people who do not wish to serve anyone but themselves.

The threat does not end with corruption. Some political dynasty-supported candidates have long regarded public office as a family business, transferring power from generation to generation as if holding power was a birthright. Others are political puppets of domineering foreign and domestic players with a secret agenda contrary to the interests of the nation. Any government that falls into their hands will not be laboring for the people but the devious hands that placed them there. Voters lose freedom and rights if they do not recognize these dangers, but end up losing rights and freedom without knowing.

An accountable electorate does not vote for popularity, scripted melodrama, or momentary passion. It needs to look beyond catchy tunes and examine the records of those contesting public office. Those who have a record of corruption, human rights violations, and self-interest leadership should never be accepted into leadership. All citizens need to study, question, and avoid those who erode democracy. To be indifferent is to invite annihilation.

The country is at the crossroads, and its future hangs in the balance depending on what its citizens choose. Elections are not political ceremonies; they are a battle for the future of the country. The voter has the responsibility to make the correct choice; otherwise, the future will be everlasting. Complacency is gone. Now it is the moral responsibility to stand watch, fight fraud, and see that no one who plots against democracy makes it to office.