THE simple reason is that by over-reacting, evil can get worse and can have a greater chance to have a stronger hold on us. We should stay calm and focus our attention on who can best handle any form of evil. And that can only be God.
We are somehow reminded of this very practical indication in that Letter of St. James where he says: “Count it all joy, when you shall fall into diverse temptations, knowing that the trying of your faith worketh patience. And patience hath a perfect work; that you may be perfect and entire, failing in nothing.” (1,2-4)
What wisdom this piece of advice has! It is truly divinely inspired and should be made a principle to follow in our life where we are going to encounter all sorts of evil and to contend with our own limitations and the supernatural goal we are meant to pursue.
We should always remember that evil cannot exist by itself. It has to refer itself to something that is good which it denies, distorts, corrupts, etc. And if we are smart enough, we should not worry too much about all the evils we can encounter in our life. As long as we know how to refer them to the good and the truth that they stand on, we would know how to deal with these evils properly.
As to the many limitations we always have, given the challenges of our life, we have to be ready for them and know not only how to deal with them but also how to derive something good from them. In these instances of the hard predicaments, for example, when we seem to be at a loss as to what to do, we should just see at what God does, after we have done all things possible to solve our problems.
We need to trust in God’s providence and mercy. We have to learn to live a spirit of abandonment in the hands of God. Yes, if we have faith in God, in his wisdom and mercy, in his unfailing love for us, we know that everything will always work out for the good. If we are with God, we can always dominate whatever suffering can come our way in the same manner that Christ absorbed all his passion and death on the cross.
Let’s always remember that God, in his ineffable ways, can also talk to us through these crosses. In fact, he can convey precious messages and lessons through them. It would be good that we have a theological attitude toward them, and be wary of our tendency to react to them in a purely human way, based only on our senses and feelings and on worldly trends.
In all our affairs and situations in life, we should always go to God to ask for his help and guidance, and to trust his ways and his providence, even if the outcome of our prayers and petitions appears unanswered, if not, contradicted.
This should be the attitude to have. It’s an attitude that can only indicate our unconditional faith and love for God who is always in control of things, and at the same time can also leave us in peace and joy even at the worst of the possibilities.
We have to follow the example of the many characters in the gospel who, feeling helpless in the many predicaments they were in, earnestly rushed to Christ for some succor. They went to him unafraid and unashamed and they got what they wanted.