CATARMAN, Northern Samar- The province of Northern Samar places third, best in government internal process award, provincial category in the 2021 Digital Governance Awards (DGA) organized by DICT, DILG and the National ICT Confederation of the Philippines.
The results were announced in an online awarding ceremony on October 29, 2021.
DICT thru ICT Industry Development Bureau Director Emmy Lou Versoza-Delfin congratulated the Provincial Government of Northern Samar for stepping up and embracing digital transformation in improving its services to its constituents. “A proud Nortehanon, I hope that the DGA initiative will continue to spark innovations not only at the provincial level but also in the municipalities of Northern Samar,” Director Delfin said.
DGA is an annual search for innovative information and communications technology (ICT) practices showing outstanding and remarkable integration of ICT to the different sectors of society, and utilizing ICT for a more efficient and effective delivery of services to the public.
The best in government internal process award category recognizes efforts of an LGU in developing or improving its internal systems and adhering to various recognized standards to be able to provide better services to its internal customers.
PGNS, through its ICT arm, the Management of Information Systems Office (MISO) submitted the Northern Samar Provincial Hospital Point of Sale (NSPH POS) System as its entry to DGA 2021, which qualified during the initial screening and certified complete based on the entry requirements.
A total of 125 entries from 80 LGUs qualified and competed for the Digital Governance Awards.
Good governance which includes PGNS ICT initiatives, is a priority agenda of Governor Edwin Ongchuan under his development framework dubbed as continued progress.