NSSDEO, Brgy. Burabud, Laoang, N. Samar– Better roads are underway in the 2nd District of Northern Samar with the anticipated completion of various improvements of road by constructing a new drainage canal implemented by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) – Northern Samar Second District Engineering Office spearheaded by District Engineer Charlito S. Carlobos and Assistant District Engineer Atty. Arthur Eric L. Sabong.

This ongoing construction of road shoulder and drainage canal of secondary roads along San Policarpo-Arteche-Lapinig Road, located in Lapinig, Northern Samar, is diligently supervised by Project Engineer Bryan M. Fortes. The DPWH allocated P12.5 million from General Appropriations Act (GAA) of 2024 for the project covering the following: (1) Construction of 480.00 meters of drainage canal, (2) Concreting of 480.00 meters road shoulder, and (3) Installation of 42 pieces Solar LED street light.

Drainage canal projects will prevent probable floods in the road. Thus, road users will experience convenient and safe pavement far from the difficulty of slippery road.
On the other hand, solar LED street lights will provide adequate lighting and reduce the occurrence of accidents in the area.

The completion of this project will provide faster and more convenient transportation, traffic safety and capacity and reduced accidents. It also convenient to local populace especially small-scale traders transporting agricultural products to bigger markets.