The once friends that sought the presidency and rule the country are now archenemies after a breakup caused by political ambitions to stay in power through their subalterns. The magical president used to be a strong supporter of the former president during the 2016 presidential election when he run for vice president. This, despite the former president picking another senator as his running mate. It was an alliance that set aside political affiliations considering that the magical president still supported the former president in his presidential bid. The running mate and the magical president both lost in that election notwithstanding the large margin garnered by the former president.

In the 2022 presidential election, the magical president picked the former president’s daughter as his running mate. It was an alliance brokered by another former president who had strong influence over presidential wannabes who are up for grabs for the presidency. The uncertainty of the alliance was not unlike the candidacy of the former president who had decided on the last hours to run, only to be declared lacking of requirements and had to be accommodated by a political party that nominated him in lieu of a candidate who had already filed a certificate of candidacy. That candidate would later be rewarded with a high government position.

The tandem would later be dubbed as uniteam, a label that stood for unity team. The tandem would run on a platform of unity, with the aim of uniting the people across political parties and colors. It pushed for unity and nothing more. Not even a clear program of government except the call for the people to unite behind their tandem. There are promises during the campaign, chief among them the reduction of rice prices from the almost sixty pesos per kilo to just twenty pesos. That promise was truly too good to be true as there are many factor that determine farmgate prices up to the market prices that consumers had to bear.

It appeared that the vice-president played a crucial role in the victory of the magical president if one will consider the bailiwick in the south and the influence of the former president who is the father of the vice-presidential candidate then. There too were claims on the part of the magical president’s supporters that their family that has the clout to muster the votes from the north contributed too to the vice-president’s election. Such factors that the uniteam considered their edge was up against a strong opposition led by the incumbent vice-president who run on a solid platform. That uniteam would eventually win not merely for their combined influence but through a wondersome turn of an automated counting.

As the uniteam reach the midterm election, misunderstanding over political positioning for the next presidential election caused cracks on their bond. Ploys to destroy once against the other became the order of each camp. Accusations of irregularities and graft of public funds became the headlines of daily news on various platforms. This led to threats against the life of the magical president, his first lady and the speaker who had been aiming to run for the top post in the coming presidential election. People are pissed watching the protracted political war of what used to be political allies and old friends.
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