TACLOBAN CITY- The vaccination campaign in the region by the Department of Health (DOH) is expected to hasten with the arrival of close to 140,000 doses of additional vaccines on Monday (July 19).
The arrival of these vaccine, is by far, the biggest ever received by the region which is composed of 131, 200 doses of Janssen and 8,300 doses of AstraZeneca.
The arrival of the American-manufactured vaccine is the first time the region received such a brand.
Jelyn Lopez Malibago, information officer of the DOH, said that all six provinces and seven cities in the region will be given their share of the Johnson and Johnson manufactured vaccine.
The newly-arrived vaccines, particularly Janssen, will be distributed to far-flung areas with those belonging to the A2 and A3 groups, she said.
The 8,300 doses of AstraZeneca were intended for Ormoc City and Palompon, Leyte which these local government units have procured.
Malibago said that with the arrival of additional vaccines, the vaccination campaign of the department with the cooperation of the local government units would be fast track.
“This new delivery of vaccines will give the regional COVID-19 vaccination program a fresh boost with the new vaccine, Jansen, only administered on a single dose,” she said.
“(And) since it is a single dose vaccine, this may address problem of people like on fare going to the vaccination sites, and other factors that resulted to low vaccination turnout. But they must still follow the prioritization framework,” Malibago added.
Since it is a single dose vaccines, this may address problem of people on fare going to vaccination site, and other factors that resulted to low vaccination turn-out. But they must still follow the prioritization framework,” she added.
The arrival of the vaccines on Monday brings a total of 663,950 COVID-19 doses of vaccines since the rollout started March of this year.
Of the total vaccines delivered to the region, 361,010 doses were of Sinovac; 167,000 doses were of AstraZeneca; 2,400 doses, Gamaleya Sputnik V; 2,340 doses, Pfizer; and 131, 200, Janssen.
As of July 17, 376,407 individuals across the region have been inoculated of which 256,578 of them have received the jabs with the remaining 110,829 getting their second doses.
In Mapanas, Northern Samar
Team of vaccinators goes to remote villages as a way to ensure residents get the jabs
TACLOBAN CITY- Residents in interior villages in Mapanas town, Northern Samar need not go to their rural health unit to receive the vaccine against coronavirus disease (COVID-19).
A team of health personnel and other offices of the municipal government like its disaster risk reduction management office, goes to their remote villages to conduct the vaccination.
This way, these residents are ensured of the vaccines that will give them a shield against the infection, Joe Louis Gajutos, municipal disaster risk reduction management officer, said.
The municipal government, in particular, is targeting six of its most remote barangays, namely, San Jose, Jubusan, Siljagon, Naparasan, Quezon, and Magsaysay which have a combined population of more than 4,700 people.
Gajutos said that they have so far visited the villages of Jubasan, Naparasan, and Quezon, vaccinating more than 160 residents, many of them were seniors.
The three villages have a combined number of residents of over 2,200.
Gajutos admitted that during their visit to these villages, several residents have declined to be vaccinated.
“They are hesitant to receive the vaccine for some reasons, especially the seniors,” Gajutos, whose office is part of the team which visits the remote villages, said.
For one, those who are hesitant to receive the vaccines are afraid of possible adverse effects, he said.
But despite of this hesitancy, they are doing their all to encourage them and receive the vaccines, Gajutos added.
Since the municipality started their rollout last March of this year, over 570 individuals have received their doses of which 176 have been administered with the second dose.
Mapanas has more than 14,000 residents spread on its 13 barangays.
City government of Tacloban joins rest of the country call
for peace and justice
TACLOBAN CITY- In a simultaneous nationwide conduct of the fun and advocacy ride called “Bike for Peace and Justice,” an estimated 134 bikers from different parts of the city gathered at the grounds of Balyuan Tower along Magsaysay Boulevard for the opening program last Saturday(July 17) at 5:00 am.
The approximately 14 to 15 kilometers completed route from Magsaysay Boulevard to Apitong and vice versa was a simultaneous cry for justice and peace, and a unified call to condemn the use of anti-personnel landmines which is a violation of International Humanitarian Law, and the brutal killing of Kieth Absalon, a 21-year old football player who died from a mine explosion by the roadside of Masbate when he was biking with his friends 40 days ago.
“This event is not only a simple group ride but an advocacy ride joining the call to end violence that victimizes the youth,” says Mayor Alfred S. Romualdez in his message read by Atty. Agnes Pacheco.
He further emphasized the importance of biking activity as it has become tremendously big as an avenue for people to distress and come together during the pandemic.
“This event also promotes the general health, fitness, and camaraderie among Taclobanon cyclists and other cyclists from the neighboring towns,” the city mayor added.
Meanwhile, the advocacy event which was a collaboration among the City Government of Tacloban, Philippine Information Agency (PIA-VIII), JRTF-ELCAC, DILG Tacloban, Hands of Our Children-EV, 8ID-PA, and TCPO ended with a covenant signing.(TACLOBAN CITY INFORMATION OFFICE)