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DENR-8 marks environment day celebration this June

Employees of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-8), based in Tacloban City, together with the residents of Barangay Pagnamitan, Guiuan, Eastern Samar, participate in the mangrove planting activity conducted. The activity was anchored on this year’s theme: “Mangroves Protect. Protect Mangroves” on the celebration of the Ocean Month last month of May. (Photo by: Restituto A. Cayubit/DENR-8)
Employees of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-8), based in Tacloban City, together with the residents of Barangay Pagnamitan, Guiuan, Eastern Samar, participate in the mangrove planting activity conducted. The activity was anchored on this year’s theme: “Mangroves Protect. Protect Mangroves” on the celebration of the Ocean Month last month of May.   (Photo by: Restituto A. Cayubit/DENR-8)
Employees of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-8), based in Tacloban City, together with the residents of Barangay Pagnamitan, Guiuan, Eastern Samar, participate in the mangrove planting activity conducted. The activity was anchored on this year’s theme: “Mangroves Protect. Protect Mangroves” on the celebration of the Ocean Month last month of May. (Photo by: Restituto A. Cayubit/DENR-8)

TACLOBAN CITY- The regional office of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR-8) leads in the Philippine Environment Month celebration this month underscoring on a more heighten environmental protection. DENR-8 Regional Director Leonardo Sibbaluca, in an interview said that this year’s theme for the environment month of June celebration is “Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level.” He added that the theme recognizes the remarkable resilience of small islands to climate change. “Small islands contribute little to the problem of climate change yet they are especially vulnerable to the changing climate,” Sibbaluca said. He also said that this year’s observance of the World Environment Day and the Philippine Environment Month is geared towards increasing climate change awareness and an understanding of environmental preservation. “As we observe this month-long celebration, let us all join hands in trying to combat the ill-effects of climate change. Everyone’s participation is important, let’s all keep in mind that Environment Month is every year, everywhere, and it is for everyone,” Sibbaluca said. He said that to mark this event, DENR-8 in partnership with the Philippine Information Agency will conduct a simultaneous launching of climate change advocacy campaign with a distinct theme of “Nagbabago na ang Panahon, Panahon na para Magbago.” In launching the campaign, a mangrove tree planting will be held at the mangrove rehabilitation project site with 1,000 participants from various sectors including national government agencies, non-government organizations, private sector, media, and the academe to join the event, he added. He also said that DENR-8 will also conduct a multi-sectoral forum on climate change, alongside the awarding of environment and natural resources champions from the local government units (LGUs) and DENR employees. (RESTITUTO CAYUBIT)

PDRF introduces innovative Butterfly Housing Project to Tacloban City


As part of its continuing programs for the recovery and rehabilitation of Yolanda-stricken communities, the Philippine Disaster Recovery Foundation (PDRF) is introducing the Butterfly House Project to 50 pilot beneficiaries in a resettlement site in Barangay Bagacay, Tacloban City.  Developed by Filipino – American businessman Rogelio Santos, Jr. in the aftermath of last year*s super typhoon, the Butterfly House Project features a compact and steel-framed housing facility which can be unfolded into an immediately liveable housing structure. These “butterfly houses” are engineered for portability and can be built in minutes even by non-skilled constructors. Designed to be more sustainable alternatives to tents and bunkhouses, these are also equipped with solar panels and built-in LED lights which can support up to 18 hours of basic lighting. Units may also come with the option of added bathroom spaces. “We have carefully crafted these houses to ensure quality living conditions in resettlement areas and provide residents with safe, secure and durable homes while they transition to permanent housing,” explains Santos. According to PDRF President Butch Meily, this will help address the immediate need to get people out of tents and transfer them into better housing facilities. “The Butterfly House Project is an innovative way to make this happen,” he says. PDRF is the world’s only permanent private sector disaster response organization. For more information on how to support its ongoing recovery programs for disaster-stricken communities, visit www.pdrf.org. (PR)

NGCP donates two classrooms to a Javier public school


TACLOBAN CITY- The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) with the support of the Department of Education (DepEd) held the turn-over of their 1-unit, two classrooms school building in Caranhug Primary School at Javier, Leyte. In his turn-over message, Ryan Añasco, principal specialist, Corporate Affairs Department of the NGCP, said that the newly-constructed school building will always look for opportunities to provide the younger generation to finish their studies and uplift their way of life.
Through its corporate social responsibility program, Añasco said that the NGCP has been providing development assistance to its host communities. The recent turnover of classrooms in public schools aims to accommodate the increased number of enrollees for this year. “In fulfilling our commitment to the Filipino people and as part of their corporate social responsibility program, education is one of NGCPs advocacy,” Añasco said in his message. The classroom school building will accommodate 120 students who have received also school supplies from the NGCP. “We are very thankful for the opportunity given to us in helping the Caranhug Primary School especially to the student,” Añasco added. Also, the NGCP is also thankful for the support of the Don Orestes Romualdez Electric Cooperative, Inc. who have donated blackboard to each classroom that the NGCP has constructed. With the new classrooms, the NGCP is hopeful that it will encourage students to go to class and boost the student population. (RYAN GABRIEL LLOSA ARCENAS)

Alibis and justifications


cartSix months after megastorm Yolanda created an unprecedented destruction across the Visayas largerly Leyte and Samar islands, various humanitarian agencies reported how far they have gone in their recovery and rehabilitation efforts. Thanks to the donors and benefactors who contributed, substantially or not, to the funds used for these efforts. Far beyond the people’s general impression, areas hard hit by Yolanda, such as Tacloban City and adjacent towns in Leyte and Samar, are constantly rising up and rebuilding things and pursuits better and safer.
Running eight months from the day of the Yolanda onslaught, survivors who are supposedly aided by the government in terms of shelter and livelihood are yet clamouring for what they ought to enjoy as citizens of this country. By operation of law, the state is to stand as the guardian of these ailing citizens, whose future and hope were ferociously ruined by the natural calamity. The government, among all institutions with or without juridical personality, should be the first to respond and provide the basic survival help the survivors need with dispatch or sans any delay.
Apparently this time, particularly in Tacloban, which is said to be ground zero in the sty Yolanda onslaught, the government is the blast to respond yet the institutions that has the greater bulk of donations, largely of foreign sources. If the non-government humanitarian agencies are simply requiring a soon disbursement of the cash needed to finance the recovery and rehab efforts for the typhoon survivors, the Government of the Republic of the Philippines has a litany of excuses for the delay in carrying out these efforts.
Albeit necessaries under the system of bureacracy, the voluminous requirements before one project is implemented and ensued once started make the delivery of services more sluggish than a snail’s pace to the point that the need is over before it is provided. Worse, lives are wasted before the help much sought for is given. Coping with the red tape syndrome in the government would be just fine if all money-based transactions in the government are treated the same way. What about the emergency purchases and rigged biddings in the guise of urgent need only to find out hpw corruption had gotten into the way.
The PDAF scam, which is now dragging hundreds of names of self-acclaimed noble statesmen, is a classic example how corruption has weakened the moral fiber of the entire bureaucracy and tainted the integrity of the government on financial matters. With the billions of pesos in donations dumped into the coffers of the government and occurence of natural calamities not something new to it, delays for non-availability of paper requirements should not be a reason, unless something is being cooked in the kitchen, which is not supposed to happen.

Without counting the cost


CIMAGALAWE have to learn to give everything, especially to God and, because of him, to everybody else. Let’s be convinced that this is what is expected and proper of us. Christ himself said it very clearly.
“Love the Lord your God with your whole heart, and with your whole soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself.” (Lk 10,27)
These divine words are actually put as an order, a command, that indicates what really is the very mind and will of God for us. They are not meant only as a desire, an ideal to keep in mind only but not so much in practice.
Obviously, Christ always respects our freedom and does not impose things on us even if he commands us something. This we also have to be clear. His commands never take away nor undermine our freedom. Rather they foster our freedom.
We have to learn to give our all without counting the cost. We should not be afraid to do so, because Christ himself assures us that he who gives more shall also receive even more than what he has given.
Listen to these words of his: “Everyone who has left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children or lands for my name’s sake, shall receive a hundredfold, and shall possess life everlasting.” (Mt 19,28)
We have to learn to give ourselves as a gift to God and to others the way God himself has given himself as a gift to us—first, our life, then our talents, etc. He gives himself to us completely gratuitously, even if we choose not to correspond to his generosity.
Let us train to give ourselves to God and to others more and more each day. Let’s not be afraid of losing everything, because the contrary will actually take place. Instead of losing, we gain by giving ourselves more.
In fact, what we consider as a gain by keeping things instead of giving will actually be a loss to us, or will become a toxic and harmful element in our life. This has been proven endless times in lives of people.
When we give out of love for God and others, out of our faith and trust in God’s words, we may lose something in the physical sense, but we gain something spiritual that eventually will express itself in some material form, given our body-and-soul constitution.
A number of people have told me that when they are more generous with their money and other resources to help other people and especially to help in promoting the worship of God, they end up getting pleasantly surprised because they tend to receive much more than what they have given away.
Even in terms of energy, what we spend certainly will diminish our stock of it. But we will notice also a surge of a certain kind of energy, spiritual if not supernatural, that simply comes out.
We can be sure that it’s the grace of God that goes beyond, and even seems to defy, if need be, the laws of nature.
God cannot be outdone in generosity. Christ reassured us of this. “He who believes in me, the works that I do, he also shall do. And greater than these shall he do.” (Jn 14,12)
These words, to me, are always a jaw-dropper. They make me wonder, as everyone most probably also would, what these things are that are greater than what Christ did. But we have to believe them, because it is Christ who said them, and he cannot tell a lie nor exaggerate things beyond the objective truth.
We really should try to live by faith. At the beginning, like a baby learning how to walk, we surely would be unsure of ourselves and awkward in our ways. But if we persist, then we would see that what we considered difficult or impossible is actually feasible and doable.
We need to break loose from the grips of our merely human estimation of things. We have to allow the words of God, our Creator and ever loving Father, to rule us. Let’s imitate his example, becausewe are supposed to be his image and likeness, and with his grace, have become in Christ children of his.
We have to learn how to give ourselves as a gift,completely gratuitously given to God and to others. Let’s be convinced that’s how we grow humanly, and reach the fullness of Christian life.
Let’s believe when Christ says: “Be not afraid!”

Legislatures’ image in shambles: Suspect legislators should resign, ASAP!!!


ObserverFifteen incumbent and 10 former senators to include 138 congressmen have been identified by whistle blowers and even by Janet Lim-Napoles alleged mastermind in this PDAF scam, to have amassed millions of pesos from this heartless thievery committed some years back.
Most of these Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) or pork barrel were intended for the benefit of farmers and other poorer sectors of our Philippine society, so we say, heartless indeed !!!
And they are representatives of the people!
This thievery has unnecessarily smeared the erstwhile honorable image of our lawmaking bodies – the upper and lower chambers. It clearly pictures in news reports that these elected public officials are a bunch of greedy, shameless and corrupt officials, especially if proven true in hearings later in a competent court.
It is so unfortunate that court hearings in Philippine courts take years to arrive at a verdict. We suspect that delaying tactics at the moment is working effectively in favor of the accused, thru the unnecessarily proliferation of lists coming from different individuals; the unstable suspect listing, and with the PDAF scam mastermind Jane Lim- Napoles playing games. She is putting us in an awed situation by saying that another 20 more suspects will be added to the list she has given to DOJ Sec. Leila de Lima. A well-crafted dilly-dally tactics!!
However, no matter how these devilish-architects of propaganda employ these delay tactics, they no longer have any effect on the minds of our tax paying public since they are almost convinced that indeed this PDAF scam actually happened and the law makers – majority of them have largely benefited. Yes, majority of them benefited.
The burning issue of pork barrel abuse has been a significant item in the pages of Philippine’s legislative history and performance.
The present scorching issue of Priority Development Assistance Fund (PDAF) could be the worst pork barrel abuse in Philippine history as compared to the past similar pork barrel abuses. Sadly, this present controversy has effectively and sadly wrecked the erstwhile good and respectable image of the Legislature. At this time the credibility of lawmaking has hit rock bottom, all because of these corrupt and shameless lawmakers.
It is therefore incumbent upon these three, Senators Jinggoy Estrada, Bong Revilla and JP Enrile should RESIGN – who at this time are considered albeit allegedly, the most guilty ones, and for the other suspects to file an indefinite leave of absence.
Court trials for such powerful and influential officials will eat up the ends of time.
Even with that discouraging prediction we still hope that the Department of Justice should soon speed up the filing of cases against these allege perpetrators ASAP; and while these are being formally heard the trio should, I repeat, resign and with the other suspects, file indefinite leave of absence to restore the former good image of the legislative bodies both in the upper and lower houses.

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