Our political arena in the country has evolved into a disgraceful battleground where personal vendettas overshadow public service. Politicians, entrusted with the sacred duty of governance, have turned government systems and operations into weapons for settling scores with their adversaries. The misuse of power has led to a government that no longer serves its people but instead indulges the egos and rivalries of those in power. The very institutions meant to protect and uplift the citizenry are hijacked to further petty political feuds, leaving the populace to suffer the consequences of these selfish wars.

Every election cycle brings a new set of leaders, but the script remains depressingly the same. Once in power, the victors prioritize retribution over reform, using state resources to hunt down and humiliate their political foes. This vendetta-driven governance not only wastes valuable resources but also paralyzes the administration, causing vital services to grind to a halt. Health, education, infrastructure, and public safety—core functions of any government—are neglected as leaders focus on their personal battles. The result is a country mired in stagnation, unable to move forward as its leaders remain fixated on the past.

The most tragic aspect of this incessant infighting is the collateral damage inflicted on the people. Ordinary citizens, who have no stake in these political rivalries, bear the brunt of the dysfunction. They endure substandard public services, deteriorating infrastructure, and a lack of economic opportunities while politicians squabble over power and prestige. The needs of the many are sacrificed for the whims of a few, creating a society where progress is stifled, and hope for a better future is continually dashed.

This vicious cycle of retribution is as predictable as it is destructive. When a new party ascends to power, it merely repeats the sins of its predecessors, perpetuating a culture of vengeance rather than vision. Instead of breaking this toxic tradition, each new administration seems more determined to outdo the last in its pursuit of political enemies.

This endless loop of retribution ensures that the government remains perpetually dysfunctional, with leaders more focused on settling old scores than addressing the pressing issues facing the nation.

Surely, the country deserves better than leaders who prioritize personal vendettas over public service. It is high time for politicians to rise above their petty feuds and focus on the greater good. The country needs visionary leaders who can set aside their differences and work together to propel the nation toward economic progress and peace. The people should not be forced to pay the price for the political elite’s inability to move beyond their egos. It is a national imperative that governance is restored to its rightful purpose: serving the people and building a brighter future for all.